Low Carb Jabberwockey

The most delicious recipes in all of Wonderland

Emeals Review: Baked Herbed Fish with Spinach Orange Salad February 24, 2013

Filed under: Dinner,EMEALS reviews — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 6:09 pm
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Emeals Baked Herbed Fish

Emeals Low Carb Plan – Baked Herbed Fish with Spinach Orange Mushroom Salad

Ingredients: (Main Dish) Tilapia, olive oil, garlic powder, marjoram, thyme, pepper, bay leaves, onion, white wine.  (Side dish) Spinach, orange, green onion, mushrooms, lemon juice, olive oil, pepper, toasted almonds.

Embellishments/Substitutions: I didn’t have any marjoram so substituted basil on the fish. The fish recipe also didn’t call for any salt – I added about 1/4 tsp.   I had half an avocado, and 1/4 of a red pepper which I added to the salad.  I didn’t care for the Emeals recipe for the salad dressing (just oil, lemon juice and pepper), so added 1/2 packet of splenda, 1 Tbsp of Balsamic vinegar, and a bit more oil to thicken it up a little.

Cook/Prep time: 20 minutes

Comments:  The fish was quick and easy to prep and tasted delicious, and the salad came together quickly while the fish was in the oven. Very easy weeknight meal for you working parents out there….  Thumbs up!


3 Responses to “Emeals Review: Baked Herbed Fish with Spinach Orange Salad”

  1. Sara - Finding Health Says:

    Looks delicious! Will roam around on your blog in search for inspiration (which I’m in dire need of!)!

  2. […] Baked Herbed fish with spinach orange salad […]

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