Low Carb Jabberwockey

The most delicious recipes in all of Wonderland

Yellow Squash Lunch – 5 Minute Vegetarian Meal September 12, 2013

Filed under: Lunch,Side Dishes — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 5:49 am
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Yellow Squash Lunch.

So much squash, tomatoes, onions, and basil coming out of the garden.  This is my attempt at making a small dent in our bounty !  To make this meal a little heartier, you could add some pre-cooked chicken or black beans.

Yellow Squash Lunch

1 medium yellow squash, diced
1 medium tomato, diced
1/2 small onion (mine was a Walla Walla Sweet)
2 large basil leaves, sliced thinly
1 Tbsp butter
Kosher salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Melt butter over medium-high heat.  Add onions and sautee until they are translucent and begin to caramelize.

Add squash, salt, and pepper to pan, and cook for 2-3 minutes. I like my squash “al-dente”, so it doesn’t take long. Add the tomatoes and basil at the very end.

Super-delish, Super Easy !

Yellow Squash Lunch


Squash Goulash – A One Pot Dish September 11, 2013

Filed under: Dinner — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 7:25 pm
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Squash Goulash

We have a TON of squash and tomatoes coming out of the garden.   The onions were medium sized Walla Walla Sweets, and the garlic was a hardneck purple variety that the better half plants every year.

This is an easy weeknight dinner if you can cook the ground beef in advance, and if you are a vegetarian, I think omitting the beef, and adding a can of black beans would taste delicious as well.

Squash Goulash

1 lb. ground meat
2 medium onions, sliced
2 large yellow squash, diced (zucchini would be good as well)
6 medium tomatoes, diced
1/2 C. Salsa
2 tsp. chili powder
2 tsp. cumin
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 C. Pepperjack Cheese

Cook ground beef, and sautee onions. You can cook the beef in advance and just add it to the pan like I did for a quicker prep time on a weeknight.

Add seasonings to beef and onion mixture.  Add the tomatoes and salsa, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes until the liquid from the tomatoes cooks down a bit.

Add the squash, cover and let simmer for a few more minutes until the squash is just tender (I don’t like squishy squash). Top with Pepperjack cheese.

Squash Goulash

Squash Goulash

Squash Goulash


Back to Basics: Part 5 June 5, 2013

Filed under: Back to Basics — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 7:47 pm
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Low Carb Vegetarian Spaghetti.


  • One egg + one egg white
  • spinach
  • sweet red pepper
  • salsa
  • strawberries


  • Half a cup of salted/roasted sunflower seeds
  • Two slices deli turkey meat


Spinach Mushroom Pepper Omelet