Low Carb Jabberwockey

The most delicious recipes in all of Wonderland

Poached Egg, Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl April 5, 2015

Filed under: Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 5:25 pm
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Poached egg and sweet potato

Fat 7.7 | Carb 18.3 | Prot 10.6 | Cals 187


Nice and colorful breakfast this Easter morning!  AND, the nesting blue jay’s eggs are gorgeous.

Poached Egg, Sweet Potato, and Veggie Breakfast

1 slice turkey bacon, cooked
1 egg
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup diced sweet red peppers
2 scallions, diced
1/2 cup leftover roasted sweet potato

Start the poaching water.  Directions for poaching the egg can be found here:

Sweet potato recipe is here:

Get the egg into the poaching water…

Add potatoes, scallions, and sweet red peppers to a non stick pan that has been lightly sprayed with olive oil (I have a Misto) over medium high heat.  Saute until potatoes are warm all the way through. At the same time you can toss the turkey bacon into the pan, it just needs to be browned.

By the time the egg is done poaching the potatoes, veggies and bacon should be done.  Add salt and pepper to taste.



Low Carb Bacon Veggie Scramble April 2, 2015

Filed under: Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 3:21 pm
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Bacon Veggie Scramble

Bacon Veggie Scramble:     Fat 14.8 | Net Carbs 6.8 | Prot 15.6 | Cals 241

Low Carb Bacon Veggie Scramble

1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 small carrot, sliced
1/4 sweet red pepper, sliced
1 large mushroom, sliced
1 egg + 1 egg white, scrambled
2 slices turkey bacon, sliced
1/4 cup spinach
1 Tbsp salsa

Heat olive oil in non stick pan on medium high. Add carrot and sautee for about 1 minute until the carrot softens a little. Add mushrooms, red pepper, bacon, and sautee until the veggies are soft. Add spinach and sautee for 30 seconds (until just barely wilted).

Pour eggs over the top, and mix until they are cooked. Top with Salsa.


Perfect Poached Eggs August 24, 2014

Filed under: 21 Day Fix,Back to Basics,Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 4:34 pm
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Perfect Poached Eggs


1 Red

Poached Eggs.  How hard can it be ?

Well, if you are fussy about the perfect consistency of the yolk, it can be hard !  For me, I like it to be like a nice thick gravy – and since it’s been a while since I made poached eggs, it took me a couple of tries to get the time right.  By the way, that yolk was not Photoshopped!  We have chickens (I call them “my girls”), and I had been feeding them a little more corn than usual, which contributes to a fabulous orange colored yolk.


Perfect Poached Eggs and Turkey Bacon
2 slices turkey bacon
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vinegar
Kosher salt and cracked black pepper

Bring 1 cup of water up to boiling.  Turn down the heat a touch so the water is just barely bubbling.  Add vinegar.  Crack an egg into a small bowl or cup.  Gently slide it into the water.  Cook for exactly 4 minutes!  Sometimes I find after about 3 minutes that the top of the egg needs a little more cook time so I gently roll it over with a large spoon.

While the egg is cooking, toss the turkey bacon into a non-stick pan and brown both sides.

When the egg is done take it out of the water with a slotted spoon to a folded paper towel, roll it over to “dry” both sides.