Low Carb Jabberwockey

The most delicious recipes in all of Wonderland

Poached Egg, Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl April 5, 2015

Filed under: Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 5:25 pm
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Poached egg and sweet potato

Fat 7.7 | Carb 18.3 | Prot 10.6 | Cals 187


Nice and colorful breakfast this Easter morning!  AND, the nesting blue jay’s eggs are gorgeous.

Poached Egg, Sweet Potato, and Veggie Breakfast

1 slice turkey bacon, cooked
1 egg
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup diced sweet red peppers
2 scallions, diced
1/2 cup leftover roasted sweet potato

Start the poaching water.  Directions for poaching the egg can be found here:

Sweet potato recipe is here:

Get the egg into the poaching water…

Add potatoes, scallions, and sweet red peppers to a non stick pan that has been lightly sprayed with olive oil (I have a Misto) over medium high heat.  Saute until potatoes are warm all the way through. At the same time you can toss the turkey bacon into the pan, it just needs to be browned.

By the time the egg is done poaching the potatoes, veggies and bacon should be done.  Add salt and pepper to taste.



The Jabberwock is back with an EASY Roasted Turkey recipe. December 21, 2013

Easy Roasted Turkey.

So, I am back from my blogging break !  I was off taking a College Algebra class at Portland Community College.  GREAT CLASS.  It was actually fun, but I found the whole work, life, school thing to be terrifically challenging.  Work is 40-50 hours a week (usually closer to 50).  Life is everything after work, and school was pretty tough to keep up with.  I dedicated just one Sunday a week to studying at Battle Ground Starbucks — my good buds Colleen and Taylor can attest to that !


SO !  How does one fit a holiday meal into such a tough schedule ?

  • I realized 2 days before Thanksgiving that I forgot to buy a turkey.  Sent the hubs off to Winco to see if they had any defrosted ones.  Thankfully they did !  Alternate game plan was to have him purchase Cornish game hens since they can be de-thawed in the sink.
  • I generally have a decent amount of “good stuff” on hand, such as herbs and veggies since the hubs is an avid gardener.


Getting down to business…  the turkey was about 12 pounds.  I took it out of the package and took all the “giblets” (aka GUTS) and saved along with all my veggie scraps for future turkey stock and gave the bird a little rinse.  You can take all your onion skins, apple peels, carrot peels, broccoli scraps, celery tops, WHATEVER and freeze until you have enough to make some rich delicious broth (https://locarbjabberwockey.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/homemade-chicken-stock/)


I plopped the turkey into a roasting pan breast side up, and stuffed some fresh sage and thyme into the cavity.  We also had a ton of garlic so took an entire bulb, sliced in half, and stuffed in the cavity along with half a red bell pepper which was leftover in the fridge.  If I had any apples, oranges, or lemons on hand I would have put some in there as well to add moisture.


Drizzle the breast side with a decent amount of olive oil, and heavily salt/pepper it.  ( I use Kosher salt and cracked black pepper).  No need to tie legs with string or any of that nonsense, but do tuck the wing ends underneath of the bird if you are able.


Turkey went into the oven for the recommended time and temp off the package.  After about an hour and a half I checked it, and the breast skin was perfectly browned so just lightly covered with aluminum foil, and completed the cooking.


And, for the MOST important step !  Always let the bird sit for 20-30 minutes after cooking.  It will retain the heat, and lock in the juices.  This is just enough time to get the gravy done, and layout the feast on the table or sideboard.  For the presentation, remove the herbs etc. from the cavity,  set the turkey on one of your favorite platters, garnish with leftover herbs, and arrange some pre-made stuffing (https://locarbjabberwockey.wordpress.com/2013/12/21/jabberwocks-quick-and-dirty-stuffing/) around the cavity to make it appear that you stuffed it.  (Don’t ever stuff a bird it’s a total pain in the XXX).

Easy Roasted Turkey.

EASY Roasted Turkey


Back to Basics ! Lunch and Dinner May 29, 2013

Filed under: Dinner,Lunch — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 3:24 pm
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Chicken and Broccoli.

The Jabberwock needs to drop a few pounds, so its back to basics !


  • 3.5 oz Turkey cutlet pan fried with a 3 second spritz of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
  • Zucchini “noodles” with salt, pepper and basil.
  • 1/4 sweet red pepper with 1 tsp. Jabberwock’s garlic ranch dressing


  • 4 oz chicken breast panfried with a 3 second spritz of olive oil, seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic powder
  • 2 Cups broccoli (steamed) with 1/4 cup sauteed mushrooms, and 1/2 Tbsp. butter, salt and pepper
  • 1 medium tomato with a spray of olive oil, salt and pepper (wish I had some fresh basil !)

Turkey Cutlet with Zuchinni


Turkey Brats with Caramelized Onion October 16, 2012

Filed under: Dinner,Lunch — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 3:24 am
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Turkey BratsOriginal recipe calls for 2 cans of beer and 2 Tbsp of brown sugar. I definitely wanted to eliminate both to keep this lower carb.

Turkey Brats with Caramelized Onion

5 turkey brats (mine were ‘mild’ Italian style)
2 large onions, sliced
24 oz. chicken stock (mine was homemade)
2 Tbsp. granulated Splenda
2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. caraway seeds
1 tsp. thyme leaves
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Kosher salt and cracked pepper to taste

Poke the brats with a knife several times.  This will help prevent them from bursting while cooking.  Put all ingredients in a saucepan, and bring to boiling. Immediately reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

Drain off the liquid.  Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add brats and onions. Cook on medium until nicely browned, approximately 5 minutes per side.  The brats can also be done on the grill.

Fat 12.9g | Carb 7.8g | Net Carb 6.7 | Prot 16.2 | KCals 208