Low Carb Jabberwockey

The most delicious recipes in all of Wonderland

Jabberwock’s Low Sodium Chicken Sausage September 22, 2019

Filed under: Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 5:37 pm
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“You need to lower your sodium”.

YUP. That’s what Doctor Jon says…

Dammit. This sure puts a wrinkle in my quick and dirty breakfast routine. Generally I have an egg or two, and some chicken or turkey sausage along with a cup of Joe. Quick. Easy. Simple.

But Doctor Jon says to strive for 1500 mg of sodium per day, and definitely no more than 2300 – – – so about 500 mg per meal. He also made some other recommendations which I will get to in future posts.

My go-to brand for breakfast Sausage is Isernio’s Chicken Breakfast Sausage. Egads. 832 mg of sodium for 4 ounces is a deal breaker. Bear in mind that many foods inherently have a small amount of sodium to start with. An egg right out of the shell has about 70 mg, and four ounces of raw chicken usually has 70-100 mg.

My copycat attempt reduces the sodium by 511 mg, which puts this recipe on the list of keepers.

Here’s my workaround…

Jabberwock’s low sodium breakfast sausage

1 lb. ground chicken
2 tsp. poultry seasoning
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 tsp. allspice
1 tsp. brown sugar

Mix all ingredients, and create 8 equal sized patties (2 ounces each). Tip: if you spray a little cooking oil on your hands it makes this easier. Pan fry over medium until chicken is fully cooked.

Serving size is 2 patties.


Poached Egg, Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl April 5, 2015

Filed under: Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 5:25 pm
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Poached egg and sweet potato

Fat 7.7 | Carb 18.3 | Prot 10.6 | Cals 187


Nice and colorful breakfast this Easter morning!  AND, the nesting blue jay’s eggs are gorgeous.

Poached Egg, Sweet Potato, and Veggie Breakfast

1 slice turkey bacon, cooked
1 egg
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup diced sweet red peppers
2 scallions, diced
1/2 cup leftover roasted sweet potato

Start the poaching water.  Directions for poaching the egg can be found here:

Sweet potato recipe is here:

Get the egg into the poaching water…

Add potatoes, scallions, and sweet red peppers to a non stick pan that has been lightly sprayed with olive oil (I have a Misto) over medium high heat.  Saute until potatoes are warm all the way through. At the same time you can toss the turkey bacon into the pan, it just needs to be browned.

By the time the egg is done poaching the potatoes, veggies and bacon should be done.  Add salt and pepper to taste.



Low Carb Bacon Veggie Scramble April 2, 2015

Filed under: Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 3:21 pm
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Bacon Veggie Scramble

Bacon Veggie Scramble:     Fat 14.8 | Net Carbs 6.8 | Prot 15.6 | Cals 241

Low Carb Bacon Veggie Scramble

1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 small carrot, sliced
1/4 sweet red pepper, sliced
1 large mushroom, sliced
1 egg + 1 egg white, scrambled
2 slices turkey bacon, sliced
1/4 cup spinach
1 Tbsp salsa

Heat olive oil in non stick pan on medium high. Add carrot and sautee for about 1 minute until the carrot softens a little. Add mushrooms, red pepper, bacon, and sautee until the veggies are soft. Add spinach and sautee for 30 seconds (until just barely wilted).

Pour eggs over the top, and mix until they are cooked. Top with Salsa.


Freezer Breakfast Bowls – Cooking in Bulk February 22, 2015

Filed under: Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 11:58 pm
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Freezer Breakfast Bowl


We finally got a breather this weekend and are not traveling to any fencing tournaments, so it’s time to catch up on some freezer breakfasts for my kiddo!  These can be popped straight from the freezer to microwave, or you can pull one out the night before and let it thaw a little before microwaving.  Either way it makes for an easier morning if your teenager is slow to get moving before school, and this is far more filling than a bowl of cereal.




COST.  Recently a friend and I were discussing monthly food budgets. She is feeding two adults, two teenage boys, and one teenage girl on a very tight budget. As a result of this conversation I have started paying more attention to the cost of my meals.  Here is the breakdown (none of my items were on sale, and I did not shop at a superstore):


Potatoes               $ 2.99
Eggs                      $ 2.68
Chicken Sasuage $ 4.99
Green onions       $  .69
Red bell pepper  $ 1.50
Cheddar               $ 1.25
+ ——

So, for 12 servings, that works out to $1.17 per serving.  To save some $$ on this dish, you could omit the sausage, and use 6 more eggs instead.




Country Scramble Breakfast Bowls

5 lb Red potatoes
18 eggs
1 lb Chicken Sausage
8 green onions, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced finely
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 Tbsp olive oil
Kosher salt and cracked black pepper


Preheat oven to 375 F.

Dice potatoes into 1 inch cubes. No need to peel! Spread evenly on two baking sheets. Drizzle with olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Roast for about 25 minutes. Turn potatoes halfway through using a spatuala, and if your oven cooks unevenly like mine, swap pans on the racks.


Meanwhile, cook the sausage and red bell pepper together. Remove to a large bowl.


Scramble the eggs, and cook over medium heat. Remove eggs to the bowl with the sausage. Add the diced green onions, and mix well.



Time to assemble!

Add about 1 cup potatoes to 12 freezer containers.
Top potatoes with about 3/4 cup of egg/sausage/veggie mixture.
Sprinkle each one with a little cheddar cheese.


Nutrition Information



Perfect Poached Eggs August 24, 2014

Filed under: 21 Day Fix,Back to Basics,Breakfast — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 4:34 pm
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Perfect Poached Eggs


1 Red

Poached Eggs.  How hard can it be ?

Well, if you are fussy about the perfect consistency of the yolk, it can be hard !  For me, I like it to be like a nice thick gravy – and since it’s been a while since I made poached eggs, it took me a couple of tries to get the time right.  By the way, that yolk was not Photoshopped!  We have chickens (I call them “my girls”), and I had been feeding them a little more corn than usual, which contributes to a fabulous orange colored yolk.


Perfect Poached Eggs and Turkey Bacon
2 slices turkey bacon
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vinegar
Kosher salt and cracked black pepper

Bring 1 cup of water up to boiling.  Turn down the heat a touch so the water is just barely bubbling.  Add vinegar.  Crack an egg into a small bowl or cup.  Gently slide it into the water.  Cook for exactly 4 minutes!  Sometimes I find after about 3 minutes that the top of the egg needs a little more cook time so I gently roll it over with a large spoon.

While the egg is cooking, toss the turkey bacon into a non-stick pan and brown both sides.

When the egg is done take it out of the water with a slotted spoon to a folded paper towel, roll it over to “dry” both sides.


Sausage, Spinach and Sweet Red Pepper Breakfast Casserole November 19, 2013

Filed under: Breakfast,Uncategorized — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 4:58 pm
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Breakfast Casserole

cals: 167kcal | fat: 10.62g | carbs: 2.12g | prot: 14.74g


This recipe freezes well, and keeps for about a week in the fridge.

Sausage, Spinach and Sweet Red Pepper Breakfast Casserole

16 oz. chicken sausage (I used Isernios)
1 Box frozen spinach
1/4 Cup heavy cream
18 Eggs
1 Cup grated cheddar cheese
2 tsp. dried parsley
2 Cloves garlic, minced
1 cup diced sweet red pepper
Olive oil
Kosher Salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Cook sausage and set aside.  Sautee red pepper (add a little oil to the pan if needed), and add minced garlic in the last minute or two of cooking. Scramble eggs in large bowl.

Add the rest of the ingredients except the cheese to the bowl with the eggs.  Mix well.

Oil a 9×13 inch pan, and pour egg mixture in.  Sprinkle cheddar cheese over the top.

Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes.


Back to Basics: Part 3 June 2, 2013

Filed under: Breakfast,Dinner,Lunch — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 3:40 am
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Shrimp and Egg Salad


  • Omelet with spinach, sweet red peppers, mushrooms
  • Salsa


  • Chicken sauteed with 1 Tbsp. of bottled teriyaki sauce
  • Zucchini “noodles”
  • Sweet red peppers.


Chicken Teryaki with Zucchini noodles



Jabberwock’s Breakfast Burritos March 23, 2013


Not low carb, but not for me !  Every few weeks I make breakfast burritos which makes school mornings MUCH easier.  My 12 year old can just pop these straight from the freezer into the microwave, slice up an apple and have a pretty darned good breakfast that will tide her over to lunchtime at school.

Jabberwock’s Breakfast Burritos

1 lb. chicken sausage
18 eggs, scrambled
1 package frozen O’Brien potatoes
Cheddar cheese, grated
Medium tortilla shells

Cook the sausage, remove to large bowl.  Cook the eggs, remove to bowl.  Brown the potatoes until outsides are nice and crispy, remove to bowl. Mix well. Taste the mixture and add salt/pepper if needed.

Layout tortilla shells.  I used a cookie dough scooper, and placed two level scoops of the egg mixture on each tortilla. Sprinkle grated cheddar cheese ontop of the egg mixture, and roll up into burritos.

Individually wrap each burrito in plastic wrap, and pop into the freezer.  When a quick and easy breakfast is needed heat in microwave on high for 1-2 minutes.  For crusty outside, you can spray some oil into a non-stick pan and brown up the outside a little on med-high heat if desired.




Emeals review: Asparagus Cheese Pie December 31, 2012

Filed under: Breakfast,Dinner,EMEALS reviews — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 6:31 pm
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asparaguscheesepie600x402Asparagus Cheese Pie


Ingredients:  Asparagus, eggs, ricotta cheese, green onions, bacon (I used beef bacon)

Embellishments: 1 medium onion sauteed and added to bottom of the baking dish.

Prep: Recipe called for boiling the asparagus, but I went ahead and roasted them. Prep time was probably about 10 minutes (cooking the bacon, roasting asparagus, sauteeing the onion).

Cook time: 35 minutes

Comments:  I loved this dish — It tasted great, easy prep, and quick for an after work meal.  However, I have mentioned before that the family really doesn’t enjoy the “eggs for dinner” concept, so although they said it tasted ok, they really didn’t enjoy it.


I’m overriding the family on this one and giving it a thumbs up.  It was quite tasty, quick, and easy.


Emeals review: Bacon and Egg Casserole December 8, 2012

Filed under: Breakfast,Dinner,EMEALS reviews,Lunch — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 9:42 pm
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Bacon and Egg Casserole

I thought this was pretty good, however my family is just not thrilled with the quiche for dinner concept yet.  Looking like they better get used to it since emeals seems to have one egg based dinner dish each week!  The side dish was just spinach salad, which just doesn’t cut it for my better half from a “filling up” perspective.

I had a butternut squash leftover from my husband’s summer garden,  so peeled, diced, and roasted with some garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil for an additional side.

Substitutions and alterations….You know I always do this !  We generally don’t eat bacon, so I substituted beef, in place of the pork bacon.  The recipe also called for 1/4 cup of onion, and I used the entire thing since I hate stinky leftover onion smell in the fridge.

Prep:  Nice and Easy !  Thumbs up from me….Thumbs down from the Family….