Low Carb Jabberwockey

The most delicious recipes in all of Wonderland

Back to Basics: Part 2 May 30, 2013

Filed under: Dinner,Lunch — Low Carb Jabberwockey @ 1:47 am
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Herbed Cod with Broccoli and Cauliflower


  • 3 oz Turkey breast cutlet pan fried with a spritz of olive oil, diced red sweet peppers, and a Tbsp. of white wine. (salt and cracked black pepper added as seasoning)
  • Spinach Salad, tomato, diced sweet red peppers and Jabberwock’s Garlic Ranch dressing


  • 2 cups steamed broccoli with 1/4 cup mushrooms sauteed in a spritz of olive oil.  Topped with 1/2 Tbsp. butter
  • 1 cup cubed cantaloupe


  • Herbed baked Cod (recipe adapted from Herbed baked Tilapia)
  • 1 cup steamed broccoli and cauliflower florets, with 1/2 Tbsp butter

Broccoli with Mushrooms and Cantaloupe

Turkey Cutlet with Spinach Salad